Setzen, 5! Die pädagogische Herausforderung ist eine andere …

One of our school founders, educational entrepreneur Dr. Heinz Boyer, recently published the interesting and educational book "Setzen, 5! Die pädagogische Herausforderung ist eine andere …” in which he points out how changes are both necessary and vital for the Austrian school system. As a successful example of an innovative school, our ISK is cited alongside a few others. Dr. Boyer describes in detail the realization and implementation of our school concept. Headmistress Petra Wolfsberger has written an article about the school's mission statement and content, and the pedagogical director Bianca Brantner explains some of the school's success factors.

A highly recommended book for anyone who is interested in education, and recognizes the need to leave the beaten path on the old way of teaching and learning.