How do we see the school of the future
Our vision is to put the focus on the child itself, nurturing their individual talents and needs in a flexible environment and encourage and promote learning from one another and with one another. We are a Christian school that is value-based and strives towards mindfulness, tolerance and open dialogue as important features of our teaching practice. We support a coexistence of school and family, open-mindedness, international and thus, bilingual. Physical activity is integrated into our everyday school routine.
The International School Krems (ISK) was founded and subsequently opened in September 2016 and now with the addition of our Junior Highschool, this will continue as of September 2021.
We are the first bilingual, Catholic and internationally oriented, full-day curriculum school with integrated teaching, in Lower Austria.
The ISK commits to practicing faith as a Catholic private school and puts its focus on Christian concepts and the dignity of the individual. Bilingual teaching will take place within almost all subjects. Talents and personalised education with a focus on science, art and sport will be particularly promoted. Great emphasis will be placed on the common partnership of parents, teachers and pupils.
The initiators and sponsors are the diocese of St. Pöltenand the the University of Applied Sciences Krems (IMC FH Krems),the Brantner Gruppe GmbH, Benedictine Monastery Göttweig, Dr. Guntard Gutmann and Dr. Martin Nuhr. The school is supported by the Province of Lower Austria and local government.
Educational Objectives
Educational objectives/
responsibilities of the school
- The primary task of the International School Krems (ISK) is to provide children with diverse linguistic, cognitive, physical and social backgrounds, along with the opportunity to become mature, self-critical, performance-oriented, self-confident, responsible and socially competent human beings.
- • Beyond that, a special focus is placed on bilingual teaching (German – English). We would like to especially highlight our team of teachers, in which one educator always speaks German while the other one (native speaker) speaks English. This guarantees that English is always present and natural in the children’s daily lives.
- The prerequisite for the development of these educational objectives is a learning culture that respects individual stages of development (cognitive, emotional and sensory), individual learning and working speed and the children’s individual interests and skills and creates framework conditions for unfolding their creative potential.
Cambridge English Certificates
What are the Cambridge English Qualifications?
The Cambridge English program is recognized by organizations all over the world. The course offers clear, achievable goals and skills in multiple areas of learning which is assessed by a final exam in the areas of reading, speaking and listening. The Cambridge English qualifications offers different high-quality tests and levels, being Starters, Movers and Flyers. The program is aimed to make learning English fun, through offering age-appropriate high quality learning materials.

The Exam
On exam day, external personal come in to supervise and run the testing. Students will be tested in the areas of reading, listening, writing and speaking. A detailed final result via the “Cambridge English Scale” will be provided to students and parents which provides feedback about their accomplishments in their learning.
Primary School
During their weekly English lessons, students will start to prepare for the Starters and Movers exams. The Cambridge English Assessment offers a lot of materials to support the students in picking up a second language in their first years of school. Topics relating to their everyday lives, interests and hobbies are incorporated into their lessons to ensure that students have a solid foundation of vocabulary and phrases to them speaking confidently as soon as possible.
Junior High School
Building on a strong foundation, we can count on the Cambridge English certification to provide a mark of excellence to our kids and school. Advanced students who enter the school already having completed their Movers exam will continue on to the next level – being Flyers and aim to take their Flyers exam within two years and continue to take exams according to their language levels. Students with no prior certificate will complete the Movers exam as soon as possible and go from there.
Voices About Us

Prof. Mag. Dr.hc Heinz Boyer
„I am proud that we have managed to make our vision real within a very short time.“
Heinz Boyer is the founder and was the long-standing managing director of IMC University of Applied Sciences, which was the first in Austria to offer a course taught in English including regular stays abroad. Prof. Boyer studied at the University of World Trade in Vienna, completed teacher training and was principal of the HLF Krems for many years.

Ing. Erich Erber, PhD
Natural science
“Within the framework of the ISK, we would like to ensure that natural science continues to have an important function for the further development and the future of mankind.”
Prof. Erich Erber ist Gründer und Eigentümer der SAN Group, die durch den Verkauf der international erfolgreichen Erber Group (Biomin und Romer Labs) entstanden ist. Die SAN Group ist ein weltweit agierendes Unternehmen, das nachhaltige biotechnologische Lösungen in den Bereichen Tiergesundheit, Pflanzengesundheit sowie erneuerbare Energien und Zukunftstechnologien entwickelt. Das in Niederösterreich ansässige Unternehmen umfasst weltweit 20 Niederlassungen und agiert in Europa, in Nord- und Lateinamerika, im Mittleren Osten, in Afrika sowie in Asien.
„Passion for Innovationen“ ist der Erfolgsgarant für die firmeneigene Forschung und Entwicklung und damit auch für das zukünftige Wachstum.

Bernd Brantner
Language connects people
„I think it’s great that there’s finally a bilingual school in Krems! This is where internationality and cosmopolitanism begins, even at elementary school age!“
Bernd Brantner, owner and managing director of Brantner Gruppe GmbH

Prim. Prof. Dr.med Martin Nuhr, MSc
Physical Education
„Exercise and sport are the most important preventive measures in healthcare.“
Martin Nuhr is a specialist in physical medicine and common rehabilitation, general practitioner, MSc for interdisciplinary pain medicine, medical director of the Nuhr Medical Center and head of the Karl Landsteiner Institute for Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine.

Mag. Dr. Guntard Gutmann, MSc (TU Vienna)
„It is unfortunate, but to the present time, art has been considered by the average person as a thing apart; a rather isolated field. Instead, art should be regarded as an aspect of living, in general. It should help to embellish and to enrich day-to-day activities.“
(Guilford J.P., 1958, Can Creativity Be Developed? Art Education, S.18)
Guntard Gutmann is an entrepreneur in the fields of agriculture and forestry, real estate and financial investments.

Mag. Ulrike Prommer
Highest quality in all fields of educational training
„Quality orientation in teaching from the very beginning is the guarantor for talent promotion as well as individualised education.“
Ulrike Prommer, Managing Director of the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems

Dipl.-Päd. VOL Petra Wolfsberger, MSc
Promotion of giftedness and talents
Talents, skills and gifts are identified, developed and encouraged „Children are not barrels to be filled, but fires to be lit.” (Francois Rabelais, French writer)
Petra Wolfsberger is head of the ISK and a teacher.

Abt Columban Luser OSB
Ort der Begegnung
„Wir leben unser Motto ‘Ort der Begegnung‘ und so sind wir dankbar für die Kooperation mit der ISK. Die Jugendlichen sind unsere Zukunft.“
Abt Columban Luser, OSB, ist Abt des Stiftes Göttweig

Pater MMMag. Patrick M. Schöder, OSB
Christliche Werte
„Christliche Werte als Grundlage eines gelingenden Lebens der heutigen Jugend nahezubringen, sehe ich als eine der Hauptaufgaben von Schulpastoral.“
Pater MMMag. Patrick M. Schöder, OSB, ist Bischofsvikar für Schule, Hochschule und Studierendenseelsorge

Dipl.-Päd. Ruth Eder, BEd MA
Bildung ist nicht das Lernen von Fakten. Es ist vielmehr die Schulung des Geistes.
(Albert Einstein)
In diesem Sinne ist es mir ein Anliegen Schüler:innen auf ihrem Weg zu begleiten und eine Schule zu leiten, in der dieses Verständnis von Bildung gelebt wird.
Dipl.-Päd. Ruth Eder, BEd MA, ist die Leiterin der ISK Junior High School und auch Lehrerin.
Our Partners and Supporters
Unsere Vereinsmitglieder:
- Diözese Sankt Pölten
- IMC FH Krems GmbH
- Brantner Gruppe GmbH
- Dr. Guntard Gutmann
- Dr. Martin Nuhr